Install a License File

Install a license file on the switch to enable licensed features.

Before you begin

  • You must store the license file on a file server.

  • Ensure that you have the correct license file with the base MAC address of the switch on which you need to install the license. Otherwise, the system does not unblock the licensed features.

About this task

IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported.

For additional information about the tabs referenced in this procedure, see the following sections:


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Edit.
  2. Select File System.
  3. Select the Copy File tab.
  4. In the Source box, type the IP address of the file server where the license file is located and the name of the license file.
  5. In the Destination box, type the flash device and the name of the license file.

    The license file name must have a file extension of .xml.

  6. Select start.
  7. Select Apply.

    The license file is copied to the flash of the device. The system displays the status of the file copy in the Result field.

  8. In the navigation pane, expand Configuration > Edit.
  9. Select Chassis.
  10. Select the System tab.
  11. In ActionGroup1, select loadLicense.
  12. In LicenseFileName box, type the name of the license file.
  13. Select Apply.


    If the loading fails, the switch cannot unlock the licensed features and reverts to base functionality.

  14. On the System tab, in ActionGroup1, select saveRuntimeConfig.
  15. Select Apply.